Workshop description

Our self-development workshop strengthens the relationship between management and the sales team; helps identify and find ways to utilize the strengths of the sales team to enhance the customer-journey experience in-store; builds an understanding of why certain products do better than others regionally and guides the team on how to display products in the correct colour groups to increase sales.

Practical Group Work Q&A Introduction course in learning how to apply colour psychology in corporate. This course is applicable to professionals or individuals from any industry.

You can watch the workshop through a link that will be sent to you by email. You can watch it at your own convenience, as many times as needed, for a duration of 48 hours. Please note, that the workshop link will expire in 48 hours from the time of purchase.

For any additional support, please contact us on our Whatsapp Number: +971 54 333 5656.

Introduction to Colour Theory | Online Workshop

AED235.00 excluding VAT

We have incorporated The Sales Matrix program as a part of the services offered at The Gracious F. As an organization, research is a vital part of our work.

Different elements of colour can be applied to almost all aspects of businesses, including the sales industry. The Colour Matrix Training program offered on many levels, from introduction to full year trainings.